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 Problem with getting better.

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Memento Mori
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Memento Mori

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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 8:28 pm

So I haven't been scrimming as much these last 2 weeks. I've started a new job, and I've been preparing to compete professionally in MtG.

But those aren't really excuses. My biggest problem is whenever I do scrim with the team, the only things I hear are "I want to play and easy team," or "Oh, great a 5-dig, this is gonna be fun."

And lately all I see is alot of people who haven't been on for 2 months baiting the hell out of me.

I worked hard for months trying to get strats working and getting us prepared for BOE and now I feel like that is all gone. We were doing well for awhile, and now its just random people camping back, or rushing (neither of which are strats).

I'm going to be on for alot of today (Thursday) and I think we need to have an admin meeting, as this team is sliding the wrong direction.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 11:16 pm

I personally think we need to start playing shitty teams and work our way up. Why? Because our moral sucks right now. A lot of people are just tired of getting embarrassed and making the whole team look like crap when we play these good people. We aren't ready for some of these teams. And we won't get better this way. We don't have a chance to work on strats when we play these good teams because we get romped right away.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 2:16 am

I agree 110% with Tom here. We never get a chance to run a legit strat when the other team can bhop all the way to their position and pick 2 off in a matter of seconds into the round.
I am sick of feeling like the other team hacks because they are cevo main or some shit. It helps to learn from people like that but, that is why they have demos.

Now if you have some demos to go over I am fine with that. We can all learn alot from championship teams by watching them but not by losing
16-0 to them. We should find some teams we can hang with and continue to practice with them. Or better yet we should have more 10 mans so we can learn ourselves as well.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 3:36 am

Mori: All I have to say is shame on you Mori. I don't want this to turn into a fight between you and I, or you and the team, but seriously, where the FUCK have you been. Ever since BOE flopped, you disappeared. You were a great leader at first... On EVERY night, practicing all the time with the team, running strats and all. Then you kinda were here half the time, other half of the time with d-ski and his friends... and then you disappeared fully. YOU abandoned the team, the team has always been here. We had to make changes, and we had to compensate for your 'disappearance'. I messaged you numerous times on steam to get you to come and do stuff. You either didnt' message back or went offline.

Another thing - seriously, 'baiting' is a bullshit excuse for 'I suck'. If you need have to blame your teammates for all the mistakes a team makes BUT yourself... you are the one at fault.

As for camping and rushing, those are strats. One would be a 'delay' and the other would be a 'rush'. If you put the rush together properly and people know what they are doing, it can seriously confuse the enemy and win them over quickly. Rushes get ruined fast cause people don't ACTUALLY rush when you call it, and it gives the enemy time to compensate.

The team is sliding in the wrong direction. No comment. You wouldn't know. You haven't been here. I'm seriously not trying to pick a fight Mori, but what the fuck dude. You disappear for a month, come back, scrim once with 4 randies that don't know anything about synergy and all you do is complain about bad reg, baiting and a bad team. I seriously take this as an insult to the team, and not only to the team, but to myself - being a part of it.

Tom: Playing shitty teams will only help us in running strats. It'll be like a test for strats. The only way to get better is to play better teams. But you can't make the jump too high. A really good example is weightlifting. You start low, but in order to gain muscle, you have to increase weight. decreasing the weight won't make you gain any muscle. but if you start off by lifting too much weight, you'll hurt yourself. The one thing that happens to our team when we play really good teams is we lose moral. No one wants to try after getting SPANKED 14-1. So let's try not to lose our cool when playing bad.

Rich: The one thing you have to learn when playing a team is to compensate or to counter-act what the other team is doing. If they are sending 3 guys to "A", and we are only putting 2, we should probably fix it so we are putting 3. If you know where a picker at mid is EVERY round, use that to your advantage, instead of getting killed. For example, don't run up mid. Or grab an AWP and shoot him before he shoots you. Or if you know he's there, let the team know. It's not always a bad thing when teams get to their 'spots' quickly - It can help us more. Scrimming the same team is a bad idea, cause you'll never get another teams strategy out of them. However, 10-manning is great, 10 people can learn at once, and everyone can help each other.

I'll wait for the reply, I know it can't be good.

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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 4:34 am

PEOPLE NEED TO FUCKIN TUFF IT OUT AND KEEP THEIR HEADS ON. hell no u dont scrim easy teams. i believe u can still practice strats on harder teams. our problem is that ppl give up to soon or dont really think about how to "counter-strike" the other team.

And as far as the team going down hill. fuck that. we may have had a slow down in activity but thats because ppl were doing finals and shit for last minute school things. but by no means r we down a hill. the past 2 weeks we've picked it up. we have a back stock in cash for the server.... we have a few new members that r chill and ready to improve their skills.i know this because ive talked to them and played with them for atleast 5 mounths... some ive know for almost a year......the forums r more organized(thanks fapper for the help).....we have a new match server that runs great. idk what evryone thinks is wrong? ALL GREAT THINGS TAKE TIME.

ooo and evryone congrat newbie on his new kid.

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Memento Mori

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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 6:49 am

I think one of the problems I'm having is people talking before they are thinking. Perfect example is Ex's comments towards me.

I have been gone for 2 weeks. Count the number. 2. That is alot shorter of a time period then the months that no one else was on. Or does 2 weeks equal months? You decide.

Also you said that rushing is a strat? I've asked anyone in a previous post to show me one demo, just one, of a cevo-p or invite team that rushes. Just one. Because if you've ever watched good demos (and if you are the new leader that should be a huge priority) then you will see.... not rushing. Weird concept that i ask people not to rush all the time.

And really Chris, I complain about reg? Me? And hackers? I tell you when a team has a hacker that I know. But I still play that team, and I still have fun. When I die, I don't make excuses. I think the number 1 quote from me when I die is "Wow, I suck." Alot of good players make fun of me for saying it so much. I don't make excuses, I realize I mess up.

And by "going downhill" I didn't mean that we aren't still a team. I'm saying that we are about half as good as we were before. How do I know this? We played 7deag 2 nights ago. We have beat them twice in the past. Twice. How do I know this? I know 2 of the guys on that team. After the match (when everyone raged out and said that they were done losing) one of them messaged me and asked what we were doing, and why we were baiting each other. My response? We are going backwards.

My whole goal for joining this team is to compete. It has been 5 months now and we have passed by esea, cevo, and we will probably let evo go by because we "aren't ready." It's one thing to talk about being a team but another to actually get competitive experience. If you aren't willing to spend the 6 dollars a month on esea, then you probably aren't willing to increase your skill.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 2:00 pm

Prolly shouldn't be posting, but what the hell.

I know I'm not good. I know I suck pretty hard at a lot of maps. I don't want to make excuses, but I can't help it because I stopped playing css for about 5-6 months, ask Extacy. Anyway, I apologize to Mori if I baited him in the scrim, I also apologize to everyone else for not being a big help. I have a lot of work picking up, so I can't be around as much as I like, but I still come by, I scrim when I can, and I learn from them. If you don't want me to scrim b/c of joining a league or w/e it is, thats fine, just let me know. The only way I'm going to get better and do good at maps is by sucking during the scrims I do play, and I realize thats not the best for the team, i also realize this will make certain people angry or annoyed and I apologize for that, but just bare with it please
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 3:25 pm

fapper wrote:
Prolly shouldn't be posting, but what the hell.

I know I'm not good. I know I suck pretty hard at a lot of maps. I don't want to make excuses, but I can't help it because I stopped playing css for about 5-6 months, ask Extacy. Anyway, I apologize to Mori if I baited him in the scrim, I also apologize to everyone else for not being a big help. I have a lot of work picking up, so I can't be around as much as I like, but I still come by, I scrim when I can, and I learn from them. If you don't want me to scrim b/c of joining a league or w/e it is, thats fine, just let me know. The only way I'm going to get better and do good at maps is by sucking during the scrims I do play, and I realize thats not the best for the team, i also realize this will make certain people angry or annoyed and I apologize for that, but just bare with it please
Zac, this is totally understandable. When you are the worst, the only place you can go is up. I am not saying you are the worst, but you can't get any worse. You'll get better, but you need time to get better. It takes a lot of practice and memory to get good at CS. In due time sir, in due time.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 3:28 pm

it's really hard to go from playing pubs everyday to scrimming, they are night and day. you will get used to it though
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 2:57 am

fapper wrote:
Prolly shouldn't be posting, but what the hell.

I know I'm not good. I know I suck pretty hard at a lot of maps. I don't want to make excuses, but I can't help it because I stopped playing css for about 5-6 months, ask Extacy. Anyway, I apologize to Mori if I baited him in the scrim, I also apologize to everyone else for not being a big help. I have a lot of work picking up, so I can't be around as much as I like, but I still come by, I scrim when I can, and I learn from them. If you don't want me to scrim b/c of joining a league or w/e it is, thats fine, just let me know. The only way I'm going to get better and do good at maps is by sucking during the scrims I do play, and I realize thats not the best for the team, i also realize this will make certain people angry or annoyed and I apologize for that, but just bare with it please

We all were pretty bad when LT first started. Dont worry bro. Its not a big deal cause since we are getting new players we are going to have to start back over which kind of sucks but whatever it was bound to happen.
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Problem with getting better. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 1:41 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Problem with getting better.   Problem with getting better. I_icon_minitime

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